Today’s PCT Box Score
Date: Sat. July 23 Location: Callahan’s Lodge, Siskiyou Summit Elev.: 3,970 ft. Weather: Sunny. 85. Days on trail: 2 Days left to Elk Lake (end of Phase 1): 13 Miles hiked: 27 Avg. miles per day: 13.5 Miles to Elk Lake: 232 Spirits: (10=ecstatic, 1=ready to pin Dr. Dull to a tree with a trekking pole): 9 Body: (10=brimming with life, 1=what life?): 8 Other “thru” hikers: Six three from Michigan, two from Minnesota and one from North Carolina. In two days we’re yet to meet an Oregonian. Quote of the day: “There’s actually a wedding tonight on the lawn so if you could pitch your tents later I’m sure the guests would appreciate it.” — Woman at the desk at Callahan’s Lodge
Today we worked our way south and east near Mt Ashland Ski Area to Callahan’s Lodge (“first beer free for PCT hikers free”) on I-5. Lots of day hikers around here so when they see us it’s like the end of Hemingway’s “Old Man and the Sea” — they see us and think of the skeletal remains of that fish, I suppose. Or worse. Glenn flips the bill of his hat up so looks like a 1950s gas station attendant. The bill of my hat is so large you could land a helicopter on it. Fashion isn’t big on the PCT. … Plenty of water … My filter is working great … A bit discombobulating,’getting used to the high mountain quiet then arriving at I-5, like “Silent Night” drowned out by kettle drums at the end. But folks at Callahan’s are great. $40 for unlimited spaghetti dinner, shower and breakfast. Now, if the hikers can just avoid crashing this wedding ….
