Date: Aug. 4 Location: Mink Lake Basin, between Waldo Lake and Elk Lake in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area. Elev. 6,657 ft. Days hiked: 14 Days left on first segment: 1 Miles hiked today: 22 Miles hiked total: 238 Avg. Per day. 17.0 Percent of journey completed: 47.7%
Surprised by more snow on the ridge east of
Waldo Lake. Lunched at Charlton Lake, then hiked through that North Waldo burn into Mink Lake Basin. Duct tape applied on my boots By Mike Jones, a fishing guide at Odell Lake, is holding up. (had to cut holes in boots Because toes were squished and this Keeps dirt, rocks and pine needles out.
Twenty miles to the (part one) finish line and I’m ready to be done. Mosquitos driving me insane and have new blisters. Ready to be home.